Old Town Grange [Field Day, 1924]

Descriptive Object

Photo (by Myers) of the Old Town Grange (#522) Field Day of July 27, 1924 at the store of Mr. and Mrs Lund on Pushaw Lake. A report on the day can be found in the Old Town Enterprise (July 31, 1924, p.3).  The names of many participants are listed on the back and include Gladys Preble and her mother and sister, George Young, Lillian Stormann, Pauline Sibley, Tom Dalaw (?), Charles Hunt, Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. Guerin, Caroline Guerin, Mrs Laura Weymouth, Liv Coiley, Mr. Rand (Cora Paradis' grandfather), Mr. Rand's son, Mrs Severance, Eeta Weymouth, Mina Stormann, Chester Littlefield, Julia Littlefield, Georgia Littlefield, Tom Potter, Mrs. Potter, Leila Folsom, Gertrude Young, Earl Douglas, Mr. Folsom. It also says that George and Linwood Stormann did not get to the meeting for the picture because they were haying and they tipped the load of hay.