Oakes House [Photo, 1980s]

Descriptive Object

Photo from the 1980s of the house on the lot owned by Samuel G. Oakes (1811-1861) up to 1842, when he defaulted on a mortgage and then later by his brother Hiram (1818-1851), who sold the lot to Isaac and Winslow Staples (1816-1898) in 1844. At that point, the lot had buildings on it. Probably the house was built by Samuel in the early 1830s. Later on, Samuel owned a house on S. Main Street which is depicted on the 1855 Woodford map of Old Town. Dr. Daniel Perley (1797-1878) is supposed to have lived in the first Oakes house at some point, but there is no hard evidence of that. However, when Staples left for WI in 1854, he sold the lot to Oren Clark, Perley's son in law.