Dudley House [Photo, 1980s]

Descriptive Object

Photo from the 1980s of the house on Main Street opposite Mill Street in Milford. This house was built as a tavern stand by Arad Dudley (1809-1876) between 1842 and 1846, even though Dudley did not own the lot. A deed for the lot from 1842 (Cony to Willey & Hathorn) does not mention any structures,  but two later deeds from 1846 (Willy & Hathorn to Hathorn) and 1848 (Hathorn to Pratt) do. Hathorn tried to evict Dudley in 1847. Dudley would only acquire the lot through an agreement with Samuel Pratt (his brother-in-law), although this would result in a lawsuit with a later owner when he goes bankrupt in 1866. However, the 1875 Comstock map calls the house the A. Dudley House, so Arad may still have had at least some ownership at that point.