Ballard's Golden Oil [1960s]

Utilitarian Object

A glass bottle with plastic cap, once containing Ballard's Wonderful Golden Oil. This bottle was "prepared by the Bangor Candy Co., Bangor, Maine" sometime in the later 20th century, though the Ballard's Golden Oil Co. began in Old Town. The ad blotter wrapping the bottle reads, "Ballard's Wonderful Golden Oil has been on the market since 1902. An 'old stand-by' in homes, shops, factories and with lumbermen. Especially economical. Physicians endorse it, mothers appreciate it, thousands praise it. Being made from pure gums and oils, this Golden Oil contains no harmful ingredients."

Ingredients listed as follows: Camphor, Oil Wintergreen, Oil Peppermint, Oil Sassafras, Oil Origanum, Oil Hemlock, LInseed Oil.