The Penobscot Times' List of Tax Assessments

Descriptive Object

A newspaper insert titled "The Penobscot Times' List of Tax Assessments," subtitled "Complete Report of Assessors Published for First Time," and introduced thus: "The object of publishing this tax list is to encourage more equitable valuations on Old Town property. It is NOT a list of delinquent taxes, but all tax levies, paid or unpaid. Names of property owners are followed by the address of the property valued, and valuation. The last figure is the total tax levied. The letter 'P' stands for Personal Property. Attention is called to the fact many pieces of property, including several large industries, are owned by non-residents. These may be found in a separate list on the last page."

Unfortunately, the insert is not dated. Though the Penobscot Times dates to 1888, it has undergone several name changes and was only named "The Penobscot Times" beginning in 1941, which likely dates this paper to the period 1941-1979 when it held that name. Based on the dollar amounts listed as property values and tax levies, "e.g. $1200; tax $66" this first issue came out earlier in that time range.

Under the Non-Resident list of property owners is an advertisement that reads, "Mail a Copy to Your Friends: Extra copies of this List of Assessments are available at the TIMES office. Mail a copy to your out-of-town friends who may be interested in the tax conditions in Old Town -- 25c per copy."