Old Town Dog License [1935]

Descriptive Object

The document reads: "Dog License. Registered No. 137. Amount of License, $1.15. License is hereby granted to Clifford Boulanger of Still Ave for a male dog, of Black color breed Spitz and Spaniel, aged 3 years, and named Buddy to run at large until the first day of April, 1936, next, subject to the provisions of the statutes in such cases made and provided. Given under my Hand, this 18th day Oct A.D. 1935, Inez Priest [CB] Clerk. N.B. -- Every dog except those covered by a special kennel license, must wear around its neck, a collar distinctly marked with the owner's name and registerd number. The law makes it the duty of City and Town authorities to cause all dogs within the City or Town not so licensed and collared, except those aforesaid, to be destroyed, under warrant issued within ten days after May First."

The license was provided by "Dillingham's Stationers, Bangor, Me. 5M-4-'34-14363."