Photograph of Old Town High School Track Team [circa 1920s-30s]

Descriptive Object

A sepia photograph of seventeen high school boys in a row, wearing track shorts and tank tops, and one man in a suit and tie, all standing in an athletic field with another person in the distance, harder to make out. The photo has a frame mat printed with the logo of Perry Studio, which operated a photography studio in Old Town in the 1920s. The subjects in the foreground of this photo are identified as the Old Town High School track team and named from right to left: Ray Curran (Coach -- the man in the suit), H. Brangwnne, A. Burnham, R. Durette, C. Sleeper, B. Spencer, J. Desjardin, E. Thompson, G. Russell, E. Temple, E. Hodsdon, Ge. Scott, G. Sewall, L. Merrill, K. Blake, H. Shepherd, D. Buchanan, W. Spruce. Coach Ray Curran of the Old Town High School Track Team is mentioned in local papers from the late 1920s to the early 1930s.

Perry Studio (creator)
Related place
Old High School (depicts)