Young People's Forum, United Baptist Church [1927-1937]

Descriptive Object

A notebook of ruled paper with a black fabric spine and brown covers. The front cover reads "Compositions" in Gothic lettering inside an embossed title box. The inside front page identifies the contents as notes for, "Young People's Forum, United Baptist Church, Old Town, Maine." Additional notes on the first page read:

- Forum organized Nov. 6th, 1927. All members of the Intermediate and Senior Depts. of the Church School are members of the Forum.

- Forum meets each Sunday at 6 p.m. for one hour service. First 15 mts. devotional. Last 15 mts. discussion period.

The bottom left corner of the first page is signed M. R. Brown--this may be the creator of the notebook. Typical entries list forum officers (president, vice president, committee chairs) and committee members (e.g. the Social Committee) or list discussion questions posed by the Discussion Committee, such as 'Why do we give gifts at Christmas?" or "What is sacrilege?" The first entry is for November 6, 1927 and the last entry lists "Guild" officers elected on May 13, 1936 for the year of 1936-7.

Related place
United Baptist Church (created at)